I want to back up to some pages we read for Tuesday. I really, morbidly, enjoyed the note taking that people did about what they did to the natives. I know, ethically it is wrong, but the massacring happened so why not give us some information on it. It reminds me of the meticulous note taking that the Nazi's took from concentration camps; except the Congo diaries were not shut away from the public. As a historian, I think it is great they took such grotesque notes. First of all, it provides primary sources which are heaven on pages for us. Second, it makes sure no one forgets what an atrocity is. I am going to go on a limb here and guess that many of these acts carried out by the Europeans disturbed you while reading. Even though I have a pretty deep background in slavery and colonization, the amount of lashes a person could receive was astounding! 100, sometimes 25 can kill a person. And the pouring of salt and pepper into wounds, that's sadistic to say the least. And the taking of right h

The point of King Leopold's Ghost where I exasperated out loud for Leopold to give it up was on page242 when the Confederate general, who had previously supported King Leopold in

It amazes, much like the author of this book, that this crisis in Africa was never ever mentioned in my education. The United States seems to only want to record atrocities when they intervene in time. There isn't a lack of sources on record about what was happening in the Congo and elsewhere in Africa, so the logical step is that is is simply overlooked. Had the United St

Many of you in class were really hard on yourself about not knowing that this happened, maybe thinking yourself ignorant of large situations. I have to reassure you on this, not a large group of people do know about this. I was talking to a former history professor before class, he teaches but like all history doctors has diversified over the years. He'd heard of what went on but had not read this book yet, and he's a doctor of history. I also think back to when I was intern teaching. My mentor and I taught Global Studies (which meant whatever we wanted since there was no book) she went to college in the 80's and was appalled that she had never heard of South African Apartheid before entering college. This is what college is for, to finally spread your wings and learn things that high school teachers couldn't touch. Basically, don't beat yourself up over it, if you knew everything about the Worlds history then...well clearly you wouldn't be here and I'd be asking you to be on my future Master's team!
I agree with you completely about the writers taking such vivid documentations. There are some stories out there that haven't been told because of that exact reason. Its amazing the things you learn when you finally open up a book and read. As far as our class not knowing, look where most of us grew up, teachers were teaching more American history than anythings else, unless it was the holocaust. Slavery can often be a touchy subject so teachers only skim the top of it so nothing is reavealed. Not that I'm blaming them at all.. but for some of us becoming teachers its something we need to consider
I like the pictures you used in your posts. Also, I totally agree - I think the graphic note taking is important. How else will anyone know what really happened without actually talking to someone who lived through it? I think its important to know the details - even if they are gory and sickening. That might sound morbid, but its reality - why sugarcoat it?
I thought of the Rwanda genocide a lot during King Leopold's Ghost as well, but it makes sense that none of us learned about Rwanda while we were in school - I think we were all in elementary or middle school, definitely too young for the news about that. I wonder what the students who were in high school and college then heard about in their classes?
I hope that the new textbooks have things about the Rwanda massacre. I feel like when I was in high school, our books were not new enough to have the more current events. I feel like they left off when Clinton got elected the first time. Maybe some of the younger people in this class had a more recent text book. Loved the bog. Nice pictures that match the text.
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